Chef MB


Ribs With Loaded Potatoes And Coleslaw

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  5. Ribs With Loaded Potatoes...

Temps de préparation

2 heures, avec jusqu'à 24h pour le lever




For the Smoked Asado:

  • 5 Ribs
  • 10 tbsp Brown sugar
  • 5 tbsp Dark sugar
  • 2 tbsp Sweet paprika
  • 2 tbsp Spicy paprika
  • 2 tbsp Garlic powder
  • 1 tbsp Cumin
  • 2 tbsp Ground black pepper
  • 2 tbsp Ground ginger
  • 2 tbsp Onion powder
  • 2 tsp Ground rosemary

For the Loaded Potatoes:

  • 5 Large potatoes
  • 150g Butter
  • 250g Shredded fontina cheese
  • 1 tbsp Chopped rosemary
  • 200g Cooked chopped onion
  • 2 tbsp Dijon mustard

For the Coleslaw:

  • 1/2 White cabbage, finely sliced
  • 1/2 Red cabbage, finely sliced
  • 1/2 Red onion, chopped
  • 1 Green apple, grated
  • 5 tbsp Mayonnaise
  • 5 tbsp Natural yogurt
  • 1 tbsp Dijon mustard
  • Apple cider vinegar, to taste
  • Lemon juice, to taste
  • Fresh cilantro, chopped


For the Smoked Asado:

  1. Mix all the dry rub ingredients in a bowl.
  2. Rub the mixture generously over the ribs, covering all sides. Let it marinate for at least a few hours or overnight.
  3. Smoke the ribs in a preheated MB Chef Oven until it reaches your desired doneness.

For the Loaded Potatoes:

  1. Préchauffez votre Four MB Chef à la température désirée (recommandation : 400°F).
  2. Bake the potatoes until cooked through.
  3. Cut the top off each potato, scoop out the flesh, and mash it with butter, shredded fontina cheese, chopped rosemary, cooked chopped onion, and Dijon mustard.
  4. Refill the potato skins with the loaded mashed potatoes.
  5. Bake until the tops are golden and cheese is melted.

For the Coleslaw:

  1. In a large bowl, combine finely sliced white and red cabbage, chopped red onion, grated green apple, and chopped cilantro.
  2. In a separate bowl, whisk together mayonnaise, yogurt, Dijon mustard, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and adjust the seasonings to taste.
  3. Pour the dressing over the cabbage mixture and toss until well combined.

Serve the smoked asado with loaded potatoes and coleslaw. Enjoy your meal!


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