Chef MB


Porchetta au gratin d'aubergines

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  5. Porchetta with eggplant gratin...

Temps de préparation

2 heures, avec jusqu'à 24h pour le lever




For Porchetta:

  • 1 Pork breast.
  • 1 Pork loin.

For the Marinade:

  • 50g Fennel seeds.
  • 50g Anise seeds.
  • 50g Coriander seeds.
  • 1 Garlic head.
  • 4 Grated tomatoes.
  • 1 Mild dried chili.

For Eggplant Gratin:

  • 1 liter Tomato sauce.
  • 1 liter Béchamel sauce.
  • 500g Heavy cream.
  • 6 Eggplants.
  • 500g Mushrooms.
  • 4 Onions, julienne-cut and cooked.
  • 1 Bunch of basil.


For Porchetta:

  1. Butterfly the pork breast and loin, creating a large, flat piece of meat.
  2. In a spice grinder or mortar, grind the fennel seeds, anise seeds, and coriander seeds.
  3. In a blender, combine the ground spices, garlic, grated tomatoes, and mild dried chili. Blend to create a paste.
  4. Rub the paste over the pork, ensuring it’s well coated. Roll the meat tightly and tie it with kitchen twine.
  5. Marinate the porchetta in the refrigerator for at least a few hours or overnight.
  6. Roast the porchetta in a preheated MB Chef Oven until the internal temperature reaches the desired doneness.

For Eggplant Gratin:

  1. Préchauffez votre Four MB Chef à la température désirée (recommandation : 400°F).
  2. Slice the eggplants and mushrooms.
  3. In a baking dish, layer the eggplants, mushrooms, cooked julienne-cut onions, and basil.
  4. In a bowl, mix together tomato sauce, béchamel sauce, and heavy cream. Pour this mixture over the layered vegetables.
  5. Bake in the preheated MB Chef Oven until the top is golden and the vegetables are cooked through.

Serve the porchetta slices with eggplant gratin. Enjoy your meal!


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